Please watch this video before taking the test! Are you ready to start studying your healing process in all variations?YesNoAre you ready to learn and do whatever it takes to be fully prepared?YesNoCan you make your training your number one priority?YesNoCan you start making time for this coaching now?YesNoAre you a person who can take responsibility for her/his actions?YesNoAre you open to spiritual approaches and ideas?YesNoDo you believe in biomedical approaches, that a patient should be able to combine offers from classical medicine to natural healing arts ?YesNoAre you ready to allow yourself to think and feel limitlessly?YesNoHave you been healthy and successful most of your life? Is this a temporary crisis?YesNoWhat is your biological age?Over 30Over 40Over 50Younger than 30Do you have experience with bodywork?(multiple choice) Yoga Martial Arts Tantra Stage Dance Physical Theatre Other I have no experience with bodywork Are your ready to also invest money into your selfhealing-training, if you knew it was well spent?YesNoAre these prices somehow acceptable for you?YesNoWhat is your name*What is your e-mail* What is your phone number*A Funnel ResultPercentage of YESPercentage of NO This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms.